Imagine this. It's the end of a week long vacation from the news, no TV, no radio, no Internet. The sun is shining through the window on a calm and cool fall morning. The radio alarm I set last night goes off. The news is just coming on. I quickly hit the snooze button as I realize that yesterday was election day and it's now the morning after. My first thought is to unplug the alarm, roll over and go back to sleep but I know when I wake up again it will still be the morning after.
What if I hear the President of the United States of America is Hillary Clinton? Oh no! What if it is Barack Obama? Oh, please no! John McCain? Well...Damn.
Looking at it that way and really trying to put myself in that place and time I know I'd feel real fear if it were either of the first two and a mixture of relief and frustration if it is the latter of the three. The old "Lesser of Two Evils".
Thinking of it in this way is kind of like the old flip of the coin trick. If you're not sure what you really want, flip a coin. You'll know what you really wanted by the toss. You'll either be disappointed or relieved. Try it. I use it when I think I don't really care about a particular task or situation. The coin toss will tell me even slightly what I really think.
I don't want to vote for any of them. I even made up my mind I wouldn't vote at all. It's like living in an alternate universe. How did this election cycle go so wrong? Our other posts on here tell the story. I know why, I just keep hoping it's not true, not real but alas, it is.
I'm still struggling with what I will eventually do. I think a vote for McCain, as much as I loathe it, will at least be a vote against the Democrat nominee, whoever it ends up being.
Try this out on yourself. On the morning after, how are you going to feel? I hope this helps for those of you still out there struggling with me.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Morning After
8:28 PM
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Labels: Election fiasco
Friday, April 11, 2008
Too Far Gone
Sam and I had a conversation on the back porch this evening and I commented that I thought our country was now too far gone to ever come back to it's roots.
I figure that we are seeing the end of our republic, his children will be seeing the final demise and his grandchildren will be living under a totally different government.
Sam reminded me of Ben Franklin's quote at the close of the Constitutional convention when a woman asked, "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?", Franklin answered, "A republic, if you can keep it."
It looks to us as though we cannot keep it. If we could rally the country with like minded folks who believe we should return to the government our forefathers put in place perhaps we could have another revolution. However, geographically we are too large, not to mention we have no leader. As Sam said, where are our Thomas Jeffersons and George Washingtons?
We have lost the will to rise up. Oh sure, a few have it but we cannot get organized. I'm not talking about the "right wing wackos" out there; I'm talking about law abiding, taxpaying average Americans who believe in a Constitutional Government. The right to vote was supposed to control who was in power but with a two party system, money is what makes a politician today. For evidence I submit the lousy bunch of candidates for president in this election cycle. Who wants any of them? They are all left leaning socialists, we have no one with real conservative constitutional values. We are indeed in a sad state of affairs.
Think of what we could do if we didn't support every third world hell hole, if we made able bodied people work rather than receive welfare, if we closed our borders to illegal aliens, if we quit importing workers from third world countries. Think of what we could do if we didn't have such high taxes, if government would just leave the market to regulate itself and the States to regulate themselves.
Certainly I'm not as eloquent as Sam and he could say it better but I understand this government has grown too big, too meddling and too powerful. We have a class society. The politicians are part of the ruling class. Workers must be kept down just enough to keep them working to pay for the ruling class, food prices kept down enough so we can feed our families, otherwise we would rise up. The answer isn't what the democrats offer, higher taxes and free health care, that's only a quicker road to ruin. What we need is less government intrusion and less taxes and regulation. A free market can correct itself if part of it isn't held up by the other part.
It's all such a rotten game and we are the losing players. The socialists and communist slanted left, yes, democrats of our country are ignorant of history and leading us down a path of no return. As of late the Republicans have only slowed the bleed but not much more as they are conservative "light".
There was a time when the poor in this country worked for what little they had, we didn't need illegal Mexicans to pick our lettuce, our nation's poor did that until FDR decided to give them a handout. Churches used to take care of our unfortunate people, now they support illegal immigration and importation of third world immigrants. There was a time when if you wanted to immigrate here you had to show you had something to offer, you were of sound mind and had no criminal background. Now it is a free for all.
Before welfare people were able to pay their medical bills, welfare and social programs robbed us all and raised prices. Now look at the mess our healthcare is in.
There was a time when criminals were kept in jail, now we are too PC to think anyone deserves such harsh treatment, and now we have rampant crime and gangs in the streets. Now we have "hate crimes" and the thought police.
Our government creates the problems we have. They demand regulation and the result is rising costs. We have plenty of our own oil but because of government kowtowing to liberals the red tape adds costs for development and exploration and of course rising gas prices. Global warming is a huge scam and costs us all money. We are too PC to profile terrorists at our airports or guard our borders. We will pay for this in more than money.
How can we ever expect to get back to the basic government our Constitution set forth? I don't see it. And I fear for our young people that know it should be different. Most I fear though are being and have been indoctrinated by our liberal education system and therefore don't have a clue. Maybe that's a good thing for they won't go screaming into our country's good night. They'll go like sheep to the slaughter, peacefully and dumb.
7:21 PM
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